Pumpkin and Parmesan Muffins


My little girl has just started morning Kindy which means our morning routine has changed dramatically.  Three days a week she now attends from 8.30am – 2.30pm and obviously during this time, has lunch.  That requires me packing a little lunch-box for her {and having to be at the Kindergarten gate by 8.30am, dressed and looking presentable!   Of course I realise that most of you probably have to leave home at a much earlier hour than this to get to work and drop kids off to daycare on your way, but as someone who has thoroughly enjoyed staying in my PJ’s for as long as I can on yucky rainy days, this is a big deal!}

Anyway, I digress!  I have been on the hunt for a few different things that can be popped into her lunch-box to keep it interesting and healthy.  These little muffins are so delicious.  And in my opinion, are especially delicious cut in half and buttered.  I could honestly eat the entire batch myself.  I am a sweet-toothed kinda gal, but give me a cheese muffin of this kind and I’m all yours.

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