Collapsed Pavlova with Poached Peaches & Mascarpone


I realise being a Kiwi, that making a Pavlova is almost a rite of passage.  Especially for someone who loves dessert and who loves to cook as much as I do.  And yet, I’d never ever made one before this. It’s another one of those things that I have always been afraid of {much like this risotto I shared with you a while ago!}

During my first hosting experience of the incredible Cuisine Club I belong to, I made this Collapsed Pavlova as my dessert course.  I loved that I could tackle the almighty Pav without the pressure of it looking perfect.  This version is meant to be a bit haphazard, it’s supposed to look as though it’s imploded.  That right there takes a whole lot of pressure off, don’t you think?

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